Thursday 14 March 2013

How to Improve Fuel Economy: Scheduled Maintenance Checks

Step 1: Keep Your Car Well Maintained

This is obviously one of the ways to improve fuel economy, and is one that a lot of people simply forget to do. You should have a regular check up on the fuel system, fluid levels, air filters, rubber lines and hoses that may crack and leak.

The smallest things can cause your car to get bad fuel economy. There are even aftermarket parts that will help you improve fuel economy. Keep up on your scheduled maintenance because this really is the best way to keep your car performing right.

Step 2: Check Your Tire Pressure Regularly

Tire pressure is something that most people don't even think of when they are looking to improve fuel economy of their cars. Tire pressure is worth about a 10-15% drop in gas mileage when your tires get low on air.

When your tires are low on air, your engine has to work harder to push your car down the road. Have you ever had to push a car with low tires?

Step 3: Before You use a ''petrol'' Saving Product", Research it First

A lot of the so called gas saving products simply do not work, or if they do, it's not enough to notice to improve fuel economy.

Step 4: Ask the Mechanic at the Repair Shop

Another simple way to improve fuel economy is to ask your mechanic what you should do. Who knows your car as well as the shop that repairs it? They can take a look at your repair history and make recommendations based on your maintenance record.

Step 5: Change to a Synthetic Based Engine Oil

Any step that you can do to reduce the friction in your engine will result in better gas mileage and improve fuel economy. It's true initially. You will pay a little more for a high quality synthetic motor oil, but it will make your engine last longer.

Think of it this way, it's a good way to insure that your engine is lubricated properly, not to mention the fact that you can go three times farther between oil changes. In essence, you don't really pay more for it, because the person running regular motor oil will change theirs three times to your one.

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